Friday, March 8, 2013

Text analyazer possibilities

One of the tools that I was very impressed with was the text profiler. It was presented in the course as a way to make sure that the text we present to our students is on their level, and that is a great use. The thing that struck me was the potential for using it the other way around. Firstly, in completing assignments for the college (especially long papers) we could run our texts through the analyzer to check if we are using a sophisticated enough vocabulary, and then to modify, by changing more general, basic words to more specific, academic words as needed. Secondly (and I used this idea for my activity), it could be a way of helping our students to enhance their vocabulary, by showing them a simple text, and seeing if they could "smarten it up" using a thesaurus. I am not talking about acting as a sesquipedalian for its own sake (look up that word and its etymology for fun!), but rather for the purpose of elevating our writing/speech so that the sophistication of our vocabulary can match the sophistication of our thoughts.

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